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Try Your Hand at Interval Training with These 4 Simple Exercises

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Interval training is all the rage in the fitness world. Why? Well, interval training involves a series of high-intensity exercises performed in short bursts. This helps you build endurance while encouraging your body to burn calories and eliminate excess fat. Interval training also makes your daily workout more interesting, since it involves many different exercises, Interested in trying interval training for yourself? Here are 4 exercises perfect for beginners.

Jumping Jacks

Did you know that this old-school warm-up is still an effective form of cardio? That’s because jumping jacks elevate your heart rate while encouraging you to breathe more deeply. This, in turn, delivers oxygen to your bloodstream and to your muscles.


Great for toning your thighs and buttocks, squats can also help you improve mobility and strength. Just be sure that your form is correct! You should always be sure to keep your head up, chest open at all times, and feet firmly pressed through the heels on the ground before performing each squat.


Push-ups are a great way to tone your entire body and can be modified to make the exercise more or less challenging. When you’re first starting out, try making push-ups easier by elevating your hands on a bench, couch, counter-top, or against a wall. For a harder push-up, elevate your feet or hands.

Reverse Lunges

Lunges are great, but reverse lunges are even better for toning since they strengthen your hamstrings and glutes. This is great for people who have sitting jobs and may need to “reactivate” these areas of the leg. Instead of stepping forward, simply take one large step backward, balancing on your front foot.

Physical activity and nutrition are an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. At Westmount at Copper Mill Apartments in Houston, Texas, we do our best to provide our residents with resourceful tips, exercise routines, and even recipes to help you reach your fitness goals.

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